Indian Legal Dataset Analysis

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

About the Project

We have scraped a large summary of court case summaries from several Indian district courts. This website presents visualisations on some of the analyses we performed.

States and districts were analysed across 9 different metrics. They are -

Additionally, for all districts, KL Divergence was used to encompass performance across all above metrics, and come up with an aggregate score.

National - States pane shows you visualisations across all states for each metric. National - Districts pane shows similar visualisations across all districts, in addition to a visualisation of KL divergence (The visualisations are intensive, and may take some time to load).

States pane takes you to the page of an individual state, where you can view similar visualisations focused on that state itself.

Clicking on a particular district takes you to its individual page, where its analyses is tabulated.